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Advanced React Hooks Workshop

To learn the more advanced React hooks and different patterns to enable great developer APIs for custom hooks.

React’s basic built-in hooks are phenomenally good and there are several more advanced hooks that provide us with terrific opportunities for optimization. The hooks feature itself also opens up a world of new possibilities to simplify application code through the use of highly optimized and useful custom hooks.

In this workshop, we’ll look at some of the more advanced hooks and ways they can be used to optimize your components and custom hooks. We’ll also look at several patterns you can follow to make custom hooks that provide great APIs for developers to be productive building applications.


  • Use useReducer to manage state and avoid stale state bugs (and learn when it's preferable over useState)
  • Optimize expensive operations with useCallback
  • Interact with third party DOM libraries with useLayoutEffect
  • Learn when to use (and when not to use) useImperativeHandle and useDebugValue
  • Create custom hooks for complex use cases


  • Attend my React Hooks Workshop or have the equivalent basic experience of using hooks. You should be experienced with useState, useEffect, and useRef.

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