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You're a guest! Yay!

This is awesome. I'm super excited to have you on the podcast. I know you're busy, so I'll keep this brief and you can feel free to ping me if you have any questions, cool? Cool. So here's the info you need to know to prepare for our podcast recording.

  1. It's a 30 minute long podcast
  2. It's really chill. No need to study up ahead of time
  3. It's audio only
  4. We use Zencastr to connect/record. Here's a short intro to Zencastr (you don't need to install anything).
  5. Try to be somewhere quiet
  6. When we're done, please stay on the page until Zencastr finishes uploading your audio (the mp3 backup uploads quickly, but the wav takes some time).
  7. Please review the code of conduct below

Zencastr does not support video and that's not required for our podcast, however I find it's kinda nice to see the person I'm talking with so if you're interested, I will share a link to a Zoom call for video (we'll still use Zencastr for audio).

Key Takeaways

The podcast is conversations between me and my esteemed guest (that's you). Even though it's my podcast, this episode is your show. I've invited you on the show because I feel like you have a message that I want to share with the audience. Before the recording starts, we can talk about what you want that message to be and we'll decide together on the key takeaways we want people to have when they finish listening.

In general, my goal is that when people finish listening to the show they are motivated, inspired, and encouraged to do something to improve themselves (whether that be personally or professionally).

Ready to go? 🚀

Code of Conduct

"Chats with Kent" follows the contributor-covenant code of conduct. In addition to what is listed there, please keep the following points in mind when on the "Chats with Kent" show:

  • Avoid the use of offensive language (curse words are inappropriate on this show)
  • Opinions are great. Please express them in a way that is not unkind to alternate opinions. (No trolling).
  • Hopefully I don't have a reason to add anything else here...

We also encourage participants follow The Recurse Center's Social Rules as far as they apply to this podcast:

  • No feigning surprise
  • No well-actually's
  • No back-seat driving
  • No subtle -isms